I've loved fabric since I was a young girl, and when
I discovered in 2009 you could actually create works of art from my
favourite medium I was eager to have a try.
In creating 'Lilium', my first attempt at entering a competition, I
was lucky to be able to call upon the skills I had learnt from a Bachelor
of Arts degree. Together with being able to dye and create my own fabrics,
I had the tools to explore all sorts of possibilities.
Having sewn in some form or other since a child, discovering how I
could draw with my sewing machine was magical. I come from that era
when mother's taught their daughter's early on how to make their own
clothes. I think I'm really lucky, it has been an advantage in so many
I do tend to pick snapshots of a moment for my subject matter. The
World Press Photography collections are amongst some of my favourite
sources of inspiration, as well as my own photographs. I love when the
art quilt starts to give the look I'm aiming for, a process that can
sometime take a long time. There is absolutely no rushing an art quilt,
it develops at it's own speed.
This art form is still evolving. I'm constantly discovering new ways
of creating art from fabric. There is still so much to learn and discover.
I couldn't be happier.